Project Description
Acronym: F-Seveso
Start date: November 06, 2006
End date: August 29, 2010
Total project value: 90000
Project coordinator: EU-VRi (Olivier Salvi)
Total number of partners: 12
Contact person (name/email):;
Project webpage R-Tech/EU-VRi:


Fire protective equipment

According to the call for tender and to cover the objectives of the study recalled here above, EU-VRi propose to perform a study which will be based on the following steps:

• Selection of a representative sample of Member States and industrial sectors to analyse the implementation of the requirement imposed on operators of Seveso II establishments;
• Survey with focused and targeted questionnaires, using web-based tools, telephone and face-to-face interviews;
• Analysis of the answers to determine improvements and recommendations that will be review and assessed by a Steering Group composed by the Commission Services and some key stakeholders.

The content of the study is organised in 5 work packages, described hereunder.
WP1: Analysis and selection of industrial sectors to perform the detailed assessment (LEIA)
WP2: Assessment of implementation of Seveso II Directive (EU-VRi)
WP3: Detail analysis of the responses and conclusions of the survey (INERIS)
WP4: Infrastructure for dialog with stakeholders – IT support (R-TECH)
WP5: Management and coordination (EU-VRi)